editia VIII-a
27-29 aprilie 2018
Organizator:Asociaţia Obştească “Inanina Music
Star”cu scopul de a promova si integra in societate toti copiii,inclusiv
cei cu dizabilitati.
Obiectivul festivalului
concurs are drept scop promovarea muzicii uşoare de certă valoare artistică,
afirmarea şi lansarea tinerelor voci, stimularea valorilor interpretative în vederea
plasărilor în elita muzicii uşoare naţionale şi internaţionale.
măiestriei şi stimularea activităţii de creaţie a interpreţilor de muzică uşoară,
muzica populara,clasica si sectiunea creatie.
şi încurajarea tinerelor talente în domeniul interpretării muzicii.
copiii care doresc sa participe la concurs vor trimite fisa de inscriere pana
la data de 1 martie(INCLUSIV) pe adresa de email:maruldeaur2018@gmail.com
admisi in concurs vor fi anuntati de catre organizatori prin e-mail.
se desfasoara sub mottoul – Talentati la fel!
Concurs Internaţional de muzică uşoară este deschis tuturor interpreţilor de
muzică, inclusive sitinerilor cu dezabilităţi, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 5 si 20 +ani.
În concurs vor
participa solişti vocalişti, duetevocale, formaţiuni vocale si instrumentisti.
Grupe de vârstă:5- 7 ani;8 - 10ani; 11– 13ani; 14 – 16ani;
17 – 19 ani;
Propunerile pentru
concurs vor fi expediate pe adresa: maruldeaur2018@gmail.com
Formularul il
puteti descarca de pe pagina officială a site-ului www.maruldeaur.md
Pentru a va inregistra in concurs este nevoie sa expediati o piesă in orice limba, o poza si fisa de inscriere.
Pentru a va inregistra in concurs este nevoie sa expediati o piesă in orice limba, o poza si fisa de inscriere.
Taxa de participare
la o categorie este 220 roni La doua categorii
-350 roni Sectia creatie-250 roni Achitarea este nerambursabila.
cu dizabilităţi sunt scutiţi de taxa de înscriere.
– parinţii sau profesorii concurenţilor, îşi asigura cazarea şi masa.
Conditii de
participare: se prezintă copiile
certificatelor de naştere pentru concurenţi
sau buletin de identitate si o fotografie in format (jpeg.jpg) precum şi copia documentelor
pentru însoţitori.
La concurs vor
participa toti concurentii selectati cu melodiile propuse de ei. Interpretatrea
melodiilor va fi de pe stick cu orchestratia pe negative.
încadrul etapelor concursului, cu scopul de a arhiva şif olosi (necomercial) în
transmisiuni radio şi TV, de a edita şi exploata metodic materialele, inclusive
cântecele interpretate în concurs. Acordul concurenţilor va fi certificate prin
semnătură în fişa personală.
care vor câștiga trofeul, vor avea responsabilitatea să participe (necomercial)
în cadrul spectacolului de gală a ediţiei următoare.
concurrent va interpreta, obligatoriu, o melodii in orice limba. Negativele şi materialele
expediate organizatorilor nu se returnează.
Durata piesei
sa nu depaseasca 4 min.
Criterii de apreciere:
Claritatea si
calitatea timbrala, amplitudine vocala, intonatie;
dictie, ritm
si emisie vocala;
măiestria interpretativă
originalitatea interpretării;
show-ul si prezenţascenica;
ţinuta artistică şi vestimentară;
valoarea şi dificultatea repertoriului;
calitatea negativelor.
Organizare şi desfăşurare
Ediţia a VIII-a se
desfăşura la 27-29 aprilie în Romania-Galati în doua etape.
– Etapa
I-a va fi organizată in 28 aprilie–Festivalul Concurs, la Sala
Sporturilor“DUNAREA” Etapa a II-a (finală) 29 aprilie– Gala
laureaţilor cu inminarea premiilor si trofeelor „Marul de Aur”,
înincinta Salii Sporturilor “DUNAREA”
Participantilor li se
vor acorda diplome de participare medalii şi premii.
Două trofee Festivalul “ Marul
de aur ”– 2018 acâte 1000 ron. ( unul din
trofee va fi pentru copii cu dizabilităţi )
Pentru fiecare categorie
de vârstă se vor oferi Trofee de categorie, locul 1,2,3.
Mentiuni si premii speciale.
in componenta sa: personalitati de marca ale muzicii din Romania, R.Moldova, si
alte tari.
juriului este difinitiva si nu poate fi contestata!!!
Directorul si producatorul festivalului: Ina
GSM. +37369758355
“Mărul de Aur”
România-Galați 2018
Telefon mobil____________________________________________________________
Carte de identitate/ certificat de
Profesor indrumator:______________________________________________________
Sectiunea : (interpretare,
Piesa propusa in concurs:Titlul_____________________________________________
Participari în cadrul Festivalurilor,
concursurilor (premii)________________________________________
de acord ca organizatorii festivalului-concurs sa foloseasca gratis
materilalele foto, video, audio promovate de mine in cadrul etapelor concursului
in presa scrisa si electronica in scop de editare si exploatare metodica,
pentru pregatirea festivalului de cate ori este nevoie.
caz de voi ocupa Premiul Mare sau I (unu) ma oblig sa particip (necomercial) in
cadrul spectacolului de gala a editiei urmatoare.Acest document completat va fi
SEMNAT, scanat si trimis pe e-mail:maruldeaur2018@gmail.com
Toate rubricile trebuie completate! Nume,Prenume…………………………..
(parinte pentru
copii -18)
(copil)___________________________________, prin reprezentant legal (parinte)_______________________________________________,domiciliata
in __________________nr_____,bl______, sc_________, et________,ap______________,
jud/sector_____________, legitimate/a cu CI. Seria_____nr__________, eliberata
de ____________________, la data de___________CNP_________________________
Declar ca voi
interpreta piesa/opera muzicala:_____________________________,
cadrul Festivalului “MARUL DE AUR”, organizat in perioada 27-29 aprilie 2018, de
catre Asociaţia
Obştească “Inanina Music Star”, cu sediul in___________________________,
Garantez ca voi raspunde integral si imediat cu
daune la cel putin valoare a prejudiciului cauzat Organizatorului festivalului sau
pentru daunele la care si/sau juridical) in legatura cu pretentii legate de
drepturile de autorcederiva din interpretarea piesei de mai sus.
De asemenea,ma oblig sa suport
integral acoperirea eventualelor pretentii ridicate de catre terti in legatura
cu utilizarea de catre Organizatorul festivalului a operei muzicale in cadrul Festivalului
8th Edition, 2018
27-30 april 2018 ROMANIA-Galați
8-th edition of International Music Festival
Organizer: City Association “Inanina
Music Star” with the purpose of promoting and integrating all the children,
including the ones with disabilities.
The festival objective:
• The purpose of the competition
festival is to promote pop music of certain artistic value, to bring forth and
launch the young voices, to stimulate the interpretational values with the goal
of placing them in the national and international pop music elite.
• The perfection of the craft and the
stimulation of the creative activity of young pop music, folk music and
creation section interpreters.
The discovery and encouragement of
young talents in the field of music interpretation.
The PRESELCTION is on March 5th,
2018, the fee being 50 EURO.
All the children who want to take
part in the preselection will send until MARCH 1st, 2018 (INCLUDED) to the
e-mail address maruldeaur2018@gmail.comfollowing:
1. The application form filled in and
signed with a pen (not electronically), mentioning the section for which they
are participating. A separate form will be filled in for each section.
2. A picture in (jpeg.jpg) format;
3. Copy of the birth certificate;
4. A play (positive + negative) in
MP3 format,video recording track proposed.
The negatives may contain voices
(backing vocals) including a vocal group.
The plays will not be allowed to be
changed during the competition.
The participants allowed in the
competition will be announced by the organizers through an e-mail.
The festival will take place under
the motto – Talented in the same manner!
• The International Competition Festival of
folk music is open to all music interpreters, including young people with
disabilities, ranging between 5 and 19+ years old.
• The competition will include lead
vocalists, vocal duets, vocal formations and instrument players.
• Age groups: 5 - 7 years ; 8 - 10 years ; 11
– 13 years ; 14– 16 years ;
17– 19 years; 20+ years
You can download the form from the
official website www.maruldeaur.md
In order to register for the
competition you need to send a play in any language, a picture and the
application form.
• The application fee is RON 50 EURO
for one category, 75 EURO for two categories, 60 EURO for creation. The paid
fee is non-refundable.
• The competitors with disabilities
are exempt from paying the application fee.
• The attendants – parents or
teachers of the competitors will pay for their own accommodation and meals.
• Each competitor taking part from
abroad and his accompanying parties have the obligation to check in at hotel 4
• The fee is 250 EURO per person per day/ from april 27th, 2018
until april 30th, 2018.
• includes: the accommodation + meals
(breakfast + dinner).
Participating conditions:
• All the selected competitors will
be taking part with the songs they suggested. The interpretation of the songs
will be from a flash drive with orchestration on the negative.
• The organizers reserve the
exclusive right to videotape, photograph, audio record all the performances
during the stages of the competition, with the purpose of archiving and using
(for non-commercial purposes) in radio and TV broadcasts, to edit and
methodically exploit the materials, including the songs interpreted during the
competition. The approval of the competitors will be certified by signature in
the personal form.
• The competitors who will win the
trophy will have the responsibility to take part (non-commercially) at the gala
show of the next edition.
• Each competitor will perform, as a
mandatory condition, a song in any language. The negatives and the materials
sent to the organizers are non-refundable.
The length of the play will not
exceed 4 min.
Appreciation criteria:
• voice clarity and quality, vocal
strength, intonation;
• diction, rhythm and vocal emission;
• interpretative craft
• originality of the interpretation;
• the show and the presence on the
• artistic and clothing apparel;
• value and difficulty of the repertoire;
• quality of the negatives.
Organization and performance
The 8th edition2018 will be taking
place between April 27 th and 30th 2018 in Romania in Galati
– The 1st stage will be organized on
April 28th – The Competition Festival at the room Sala Sporturilor “DUNAREA”
– The 2nd stage (final) April 30th –
The Laureate Gala for handing over the prizes and trophies of the “Golden
Apple”, at the room of Sala Sporturilor “DUNAREA”
The prizes
The participants will be granted
participation diplomas, medals and prizes.
• Two “Golden Apple” Festival
trophies – 2018, in the amount of 220 EURO. One of the trophies will be for the
children with disabilities)
Category trophies will be handed over
for each age category, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Mentions and special prizes.
The jury
Is made up of: outstanding
personalities of music from Romania, Moldova and other countries.
The decision of the jury s final and
cannot be contested!!!
Director and producer of the
festival: Ina Bobeica
GSM.: +37369758355
Tel.: +37322 59 76 00;
Identity card/ birth
Date of birth ____________ Age
__________________________ years old;
Studies ___________ Occupation
Section : (interpretation,
Play proposed for the competition:
Participations at other Festivals,
competitions (premii)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
I agree that the organizers of the
competition – festival will use free of charge the photo, video, audio
materials promoted by me during the stages of the competition in the written
media and electronically for editing and methodical exploitation, for the
organization of the festival any time it is necessary.
In case I win the Great Prize or
First (1st) Prize , I hereby undertake to (non-commercially) take part at the
gala show of the next edition. This filled in document will be SIGNED, scanned
and sent by e-mail to:maruldeaur2018@gmail.com
All columns must be filled in!
Last name First name …………………………..
(parent for children under 18)
The undersigned
(child)___________________________________, through legal representative (parent)
____________________________________________, residing in
__________________no._____, building ______, entrance _________, floor
________, apartment ______________, County/Sector_____________, identified with
IC series _____ no. __________, issued
by ____________________, on the ___________ Personal Number _________________________
I hereby state that I will perform
the play/musical part: ____________________________,
Music by:__________________, lyrics
by: _____________________ at the “GOLDEN APPLE” festival, organized between
APRIL 27th and 30th, 2018, by the City Association
“Inanina Music Star”.
I hereby guarantee that I will be
liable in full and immediately for the damages for at least the value of the
prejudice caused to the Organizer of the festival or for the juridical damages)
relating to claims referring to copyright deriving from the interpretation of
the above mentioned play.
I also undertake to support in full
the coverage of the possible claims formulated by third parties about the use
by the organizer of the festival of the musical part within the “GOLDEN APPLE”
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